Make Me Simple

01/25/22 at 07:00 AM by Cordt Kassner

Make Me Simple...

O Creative God, I rejoice in your creation,
and pray that your Spirit touch me so deeply
that I will find a sense of self
which makes me glad to be who I am
and yet restless at being anything less than I can become.

Make me simple enough not to be confused by disappointments;
clear enough not to mistake busyness for freedom;
honest enough not to expect truth to be painless;
brave enough not to sing all my songs in private;
compassionate enough to get into trouble;
humble enough to admit hardship and seek help;
joyful enough to celebrate all of it, myself and others and you
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

~Ted Loder, Guerrillas of Grace - Prayers for the Battle. 1984.

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